Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 7: Shopping in Florence

Today was our free day, so of course Kaitlyn, Ashlee, Ali and I all slept in until 1:30. Sleep has never felt so wonderful. We went to our favorite smoothie stand, and it was even better than I remembered. We spent the afternoon shopping around town! The shopping is so great here, the Euro style has been adapted into my everyday life and will become a permanent part of me when I am back in America. There are these pants that almost look like something Jasmine from Aladin would wear, but

I love them. I don’t care if the Euro mullet and the Jasmine pants never make it big in Utah, I will always love them just the same. We spent the rest of the night in our sister hotel’s internet cafĂ© doing homework, designing patterns inspired by the cities we’ve traveled to, and socializing with some drunken Penn State students and my new concierge friend Admul. We were going to attend a Disco, which is the American version of a trashy night club, but we chose sleep instead.

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