Today. That's really all I have to say about today. Let me start at the end: somehow, someway, I was robbed. All the safely stored money in my newly purchased purse: gone. Stolen. Pick pocketed away. By some miracle, my credit card that was in the same pocket was left untouched. This would happen to me, and I'm trying to have a good attitude about it. Perhaps the thief needed the money more than I. Possibly they are using it to buy drugs and booze, if so: bottoms up. At least most of my cash money was spent today at the market. London has the best shopping of any country around. I saw some great stuff, and some stuff that I don't think anyone should ever wear. We all acquired some more weight to our suitcases on this leisurely afternoon. Another great commodity this market had to offer: Mexican food. Had you asked me 2 days ago how much I would have paid for Cafe Rio sweet pork salad, I would have given my first born child. The place was hot, smokey, and filled with weirdly dressed fellow Mexican food connoisseurs. We caught the tube back to our flat, ate some dinner, and went to see The Proposal. I laughed. I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my seat. Speaking of my seat, as everyone is well aware, I'm an avid wearer of all things leopard print. The theatre (which I paid $20.00 to watch my movie in) was covered in this beloved animal print. It was fantastic. Afterwards, a drunk/possibly high man enjoying the nightlife of Leicester Square offered to take our picture. We asked him to make sure and get the movie sign in the picture: he didn't.
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